Thursday, May 27, 2010

Monday, May 24, 2010

Paint-chip paralysis

I'm painting my bathroom under duress. In an attempt to refinance my house, I have an appraisal scheduled this week and a wall of my bathroom with paint damage has to be repainted. I like the color I have now (a pretty, eggshell blue--it's relaxing, and who doesn't need a little relaxation when you look in the mirror first thing in the morning?), but I'd like to go a little darker.

I have a bazillion paint chips on my desk. They all have great names. 

  • French Court
  • Windsurf
  • Twilight
  • Blue Suede
  • Faded Denim
After awhile, they all look the same. It's all just blue, and I can't even see it anymore. And time is of the essence. I need to make a decision and get the stuff on the walls tomorrow.

So I grabbed my favorite chip and a chip that most closely resembles the paint I have now and approached Beau.

The first thing I said was "We can agree that this is the color on my bathroom walls now, right?"

I got a blank look. "I don't know."

Doesn't know? He's been coming to my house for years. My bathroom has always been that color. Doesn't know?!?

He spied the bewildered look in my eye and quickly changed his answer to "Sure."

Then I asked if paint-chip number two would be a good accent color.

"Um, yeah."

I walked away. He's pretty much the only other person who sees that bathroom anyway; if I'm happy with it, the world will continue to turn. :)

Friday, May 21, 2010


I got these green Keds wedges at a really good price awhile back (and for those of you who don't know, wedges are the slippers of heeled shoes--very comfortable).

They're so cheerful, I smile when I wear them.

Last time I wore them, I got a BIG smile out of what one of my coworkers said about them: I WOULD WEAR THE SHIT OUT OF THOSE SHOES!

It's my new favorite exclamation.

Haiku of the Day

The stress of my job
Is really getting to me
Chewed through my bite guard

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I've had enough

Working in the editorial arts as I do, I have a huge dictionary on my desk. Over the years, an office prankster has come in at night and opened the dictionary to a specific word (usually something along the mature lines of poop).

Sometimes the words are worse than that, but I'm a good sport, so I've just let it go.

Today, it was open to clitoridectomy. That's too far (and vaguely threatening).

WTF is wrong with people???

Great Dove Spot

What a shame that it's so necessary.

Monday, May 17, 2010

One of Beau's many talents

The latest issue of Vanity Fair arrived this week. 
Beau thought the cover needed some work. :)

Friday, May 14, 2010

A first!

When we asked her how well she dealt with others who might be offensive, a job applicant started her answer with:

"Well, I play World of Warcraft, so...."

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Five years of goodness outweighs 30 years of being a drunken a-hole?

Warning: I'm about to sound like a bitch.

Today on Facebook, my ex announced to the world that he is five years sober today.

Which is great, don't get me wrong. And I know it must have been a horribly long road to sobriety for him.

Everybody chimed in, telling him how great and wonderful he is and what a pillar of society he's become.

Here's my question: (and keep in mind that I was the girlfriend who was there for the loooong trip down to rock bottom, so I saw him at [very nearly] his worst, which has colored my opinion of him forever) Does five years of being good undo nearly 30 of being a raging a-hole?

If you try to destroy yourself and everyone around you for six times the number of years you've been an angel, is that a good balance?

I guess only time will tell. If in 25 years he's still the pillar of society that folks say he is today, I guess he'll have proven me wrong.


Beau went to Mexico last week (I got a semisober call at least once each day--that's devotion). And he brought back a sombrero that PERFECTLY fits the stuffed Jayhawk on my desk!
He also brought me a bottle of tequila with (shudder) two worms floating in it. I wonder, why two worms? It's a small bottle. Perhaps they're star-crossed and took the plunge together. Not even DEATH could tear them apart! Oh well. I'm not drinkin' it, so I can continue to stare at them and wonder about their fate.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Daisy found a sunbeam

This is the scene I found when I walked into the kitchen this morning. 
She just looks so sweet and content.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Word of the day

sesquipedalianism  \ses-kwi-PEED-l-iz-uhm\, adjective;
  1. Given to using long words.
  2. (Of a word) containing many syllables.
Use it three times and it's yours!

A little advice to aspiring editors

If you're gonna tell the world you're a hot-shit, error-free, grammar machine in your cover letter, maybe you should look it over once or twice for T-Y-P-O-S.

Or perhaps you really DID "purse" an advanced degree in communications.

My advice is to purse a career in a different field.