Thursday, July 31, 2014

Random silliness on my desk

I realize I haven't written much lately. There's just not much happening that I feel like writing about. It's a summer hiatus, I guess.

But I did decide to start sharing photos of random shit on my desk that makes me smile.

Like this three-legged pig from a voo-doo store in New Orleans.

It's for good luck.

I have yet to decide if it works or not.

Maybe it'll give me inspiration to write other things.


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Want to impress the ladies?

Then maaaaaaybe don't tell a woman, right out of the gate, that your life's biggest passion is giving blood and that you've donated SIX GALLONS.

It's very impressive and life-giving, but it's a weird first impression. 

Am I wrong on this one, ladies?

Or maybe he wants to appeal to Twilight fans. I don't know.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Fun new road-trip game

My friend Alix introduced me to this in Oregon.

Motor homes tend to have fancy names emblazoned above the windshield.

Names like Prowler, Wanderer, Adventurer, etc.

Alix likes to add one funny word before those names: anal.

Which makes everything so much funnier.

Anal Prowler!

Anal Wanderer!

Anal Adventurer!

Or, my personal favorite from the weekend:


No it's not mature.

And, no, I don't care.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Dear Fruit Roll-Up folks...

This is embarrassing, but Red/Yellow isn't a flavor.

Then again, I guess we're not really talking about real fruit here either. 

Carry on. 

(PS: How do you "naturally flavor" Red/Yellow?)

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Target erotica

Full disclosure, there IS good, well-written erotica out there (Anais Nin, anyone?).

I just don't think you can find it in the book aisle at Target. Though you CAN find erotica with clever alcohol-/sex-themed wordplay.

This one gave me a chuckle:


Monday, July 7, 2014

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Official Pearl Jam Ten Club

I love Pearl Jam. I have for over 20 years.

So I thought it would be fun to like this group on fb.

Little did I know the sheer entertainment value it would afford.

For example:
She was soooooooo unamused when folks assured her that this was not Eddie, but The Dude (and posted the actual picture this fancy rug is based on). The Vedder Abides. 

And then there's this lost little soul. This post will truly make you "think" and use only your own comb for the rest of your life. It's also a good lesson on how birds work.

More to come!!