Friday, May 15, 2015

If you don't like outspoken women...

By all means, don't let one of them know!

I have contact with someone on a fairly regular basis who makes it known (without actually coming right out and saying it) that he believes women should know their place and should be seen and not heard.

And, truly, all that does is make me want to be louder and more irreverent than I would be at any other time. Just to get under his skin.

I like to be heard. Especially by people who think I should not speak.

No more time to write! I'm off to plan my next unladylike, horribly vulgar outburst.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Here's a bidness tip

If you're going to put together a presentation for a bunch of people and you want to repeatedly quote a captain of industry...

Do a little extra work just to be sure you're not quoting a Nazi sympathizer.

You're welcome!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Another spike of immaturity

When I see someone I love smoking, I think QUIT! Quit now! You must! I want you to live as long as possible! 

When I see someone who annoys me smoking, I think Breathe deep, sucka!