Friday, June 27, 2014

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Pitiful first-world problem

Taking a reusable Target branded bag into Target and having the cashier ask

"Is this yours or are you buying it today?" 

Every. Time.

Told you it was pitiful.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

When did the Ken doll start to look like

Justin Timberlake??

And if you were unclear about whether or not Ken and Barbie are Just Friends, check out his pink chandelier in the background. :)

Monday, June 16, 2014

I call bullshit, Netflix

Not on the fact that I like irreverent shows/films with strong female leads, but on the fact that the wealthy, spoiled, Real Housewives are strong women.

Shame on you, Netflix.

Friday, June 13, 2014

I love the last-minute designation

The dollar store bequeaths on these items.

Because a pregnancy test totally IS something you never think to buy when you really need one (and, really, folks. If you're gonna splash out on something, please let it be a pregnancy test--knowing whether or not you're creating the miracle of life is worth more than a buck).

Lotta last-minute oral hygiene here too. 

Says a lot about what Dollar Tree thinks about its customers. 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

This is just one reader's opinion

But when you meet someone and find out they're an editor and an avid reader....

One of the first things out of your mouth probably shouldn't be "The last book I read was 50 Shades of Grey."

Or, at the very least, you shouldn't be shocked by the involuntary shudder you see immediately after you say it. :)

Monday, June 9, 2014

Dear Campbell's Soup, think before you type

I occasionally get emails from with recipes (which I rarely make, but whatever).

Today's subject line totally threw me off.



Friday, June 6, 2014

Know what I'm tired of?

Cat-lady jokes.

I have two cats. They're very sweet animals. I feed them and take care of them and love them.

If you have pets, you SHOULD feed, take care of, and love them (otherwise, what's the point? Not many of us require workhorses to plow the fields these days).

Annnnnd... the jokes roll in.

What's interesting is this. I know men who have cats. No jokes.
I know women who are married who have cats. No jokes there either.

And nobody fucks with dog owners. 

So, really, this is a shot at a woman for being single and living alone and having cats.

I have cats. 

I'm also educated.

I'm self-sufficient.

I'm independent.

I'm a homeowner.

I have lots of non-feline interests. 

I'm capable of sustaining relationships.

And I have a strong network of family and friends.

But once you add cats into the mix, it's all a joke.

When you put it all together, it's really just a shitty, misogynist way to take a shot at someone because they aren't living life according to your rules.

There ARE cat ladies (and cat men) out there. You can see them on episodes of Hoarders. And they have a sickness. You shouldn't make fun of them either.

Just my two cents. 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

This is what they serve in hell

No alcohol and it still tastes like fucking white zinfandel.


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Let this be the death knell

For the hipster mustache trend.

Once it's at the dollar store, how hip can something be?