Friday, June 6, 2014

Know what I'm tired of?

Cat-lady jokes.

I have two cats. They're very sweet animals. I feed them and take care of them and love them.

If you have pets, you SHOULD feed, take care of, and love them (otherwise, what's the point? Not many of us require workhorses to plow the fields these days).

Annnnnd... the jokes roll in.

What's interesting is this. I know men who have cats. No jokes.
I know women who are married who have cats. No jokes there either.

And nobody fucks with dog owners. 

So, really, this is a shot at a woman for being single and living alone and having cats.

I have cats. 

I'm also educated.

I'm self-sufficient.

I'm independent.

I'm a homeowner.

I have lots of non-feline interests. 

I'm capable of sustaining relationships.

And I have a strong network of family and friends.

But once you add cats into the mix, it's all a joke.

When you put it all together, it's really just a shitty, misogynist way to take a shot at someone because they aren't living life according to your rules.

There ARE cat ladies (and cat men) out there. You can see them on episodes of Hoarders. And they have a sickness. You shouldn't make fun of them either.

Just my two cents. 


  1. You can have my making fun of Hoarders when you pry it from my cold dead hand

  2. I agree! It's like how being "girly" is thrown around as an insult, but "boyfriend jeans" are sexy.
