Last Sunday, Mom and Dad had me over for spaghetti (I don't know what it is, but spaghetti always tastes better when your mom makes it).
While she cooked, she handed me a new cookbook my uncle had sent her. She told me to mark the recipes I thought sounded good, which I did (because I'm a good daughter).
As I flipped through the book, the nine-year-old humorist in my head took over, and I snickered at some of the more questionable recipe titles.
Yep, I make Mom prouder every day.
Better than Naughty Nuts, I suppose. |
Hey, if you've got 'em, why not make 'em festive? |
I'm sure you've heard about this on already. |
One thing DOES lead to another next to a roaring fire. |
Ew. Just ew. :) |
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