Monday, June 7, 2010

Gentlemen, start your engines

It's Intern Season here at the office.

Every summer, there's one magical day that my male coworkers look forward to. Intern Day (ooooooh! aaaaaaah!) is the modern office monkey's new Christmas.

The new crop arrived this morning; early-20-something coeds. Long, lean, nubile, and bedecked in  skin-tight finery.

I thought it was just another ordinary Monday until I heard a bunch of male whispers in the kitchen; I could only make out one word: intern!

Today is the day that they take the hatchlings on a tour through our buildings. The interns get their bearings; the rest of us get a show. There's the one guy who wore a tie (he won't live that down for the rest of the summer) and a gaggle of coiffed young ladies in tight skirts, tighter sweaters, and sky-high stilettos.

I've been in this office so long that Intern Day makes me chuckle. In a nutshell, a bunch of 40- and 50-somethings surround these girls for a couple of weeks (or until that new-intern smell wears off) and make utter fools of themselves. They get giggly and animated. And the girls are oblivious. It's really kind of cute. A harmless way to relive one's youth.  

Last year, we watched the sharks circle and pondered possible pickup lines that were being thrown out.

The winner by a mile was:

"Hey, Little Lady! Ever see a beer belly up close?"



  1. I keep getting older, and they stay the same age,...yes they do.

  2. Where's my intern.....?

  3. In my office, everyone pretends to ignore the interns, but they're all put in an area together where we can sneak glances at them like they're giraffes or something.

  4. I love those interns,...I keep getting older, and they stay the same age.
    Yes they do.
