So, as they parade by my desk on any given day, these are the names that go through my head:
- Girl who cut her hair (but shouldn't have)
- Girl who never smiles
- Girl who never washes her hands in the bathroom, yet is a maniacal toothbrusher
- Guy who couldn't possibly be old enough to work here
- Girl who might be pregnant, but who also might have just had a burrito
- Guy who wore a tie on his first day
- Guy who drives the wrong way in the parking garage during peak hours
- Snotty intern
- Deer-in-the headlights girl
- Guy who looks like The Dude
- Guy with the jingly pants
- Girl who wears stripper perfume
The pregnant/burrito one mad me laugh out loud. I suspect she was impregnated b the Guy with the jingly pants. Or maybe they just had a burrito together.