Monday, October 4, 2010

New-age experience

I went to a fair with Mom over the weekend. It's always the first weekend in October and we try to make it every year.

We walked around and looked at all of the wares folks had for sale (we bought, but only from nice people without high-pressure sales tactics).

Toward the end of the afternoon, we stopped at a booth with multiple stone/mineral pendants. Each one had a description card with it that told you how the stone would help you. We stayed for awhile, partly because the descriptions on the cards were so interesting, but mostly because we like pretty, shiny, sparkly rocks.

The woman at the booth was chatting with folks, letting them know which stones they needed (she was a little bit psychic). She taught one woman how to let the stone choose her.
  1. Stand away from the other stones and put down your purse and other items. 
  2. Hold the stone in question to your heart chakra.
  3. Clear your mind. 
  4. Ask God, Mother Mary, Allah, whomever (your higher power) if that's the stone for you.
  5. Then wait. Your body will either be pulled forward or pushed back.* If you're pulled forward, it's right. If you're pushed back, you need to find a different stone.
*This apparently also works in the vitamin aisle at your local supermarket because vitamins are minerals too (though you might raise an eyebrow or two).

Not afraid to try something new (or look like a fool; ask any waitperson in the greater Denver area), I gave it a shot. 

I'll be damned if it didn't work. It was a really odd feeling, but I was pulled forward. I went home and tried with all of my vitamins. All but two pulled me forward (and the others pushed me back). 

Interesting. That's all's I'm sayin'.

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