Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I had the zombie dream again

I have zombie dreams a lot. I don't know why.

And, every time, my brain changes it up so I'll be prepared for anything in the oncoming zombie apocalypse.

Last time, the zombies had Jurassic Park T-rex sensibilities (they could sense movement, but their eyesight wasn't good, so if you stood reeeeeeally still, you could escape a brain chewing).

This time, you could stun them (and maybe change them back; I never got confirmation on that) with a blow dart.

I will pass on the zombie-escape tips as I get them.

You'll thank me.

1 comment:

  1. I still vividly remember a dream I had while we were at OU--with YOU in it, Nicole!--wherein a bad guy was after me, aiming to gun me down. My parents, etc., were sitting by a swimming pool and could not be bothered to take my crisis seriously, but you and I tried to help each other hide, etc. The dream ended with me opening the door and getting shot--I could feel the coldness of my blood leaving my body. I could hear you checking on me and finding me dying. Then I woke up.

    Thanks, DreamNicole, for trying to take care of me. The bad guy in my head was somehow more skilled at killing than I was at avoiding death. :o)
