Friday, January 21, 2011

My Strange Addiction

Is there a more aptly named TV show out there? It's like a sideshow right in your living room.

  • Women who eat household cleanser (and lose all of their teeth in the process)
  • Girls addicted to eating laundry detergent ("It calms me down and makes me feel like everything's ok.") (!)
  • A woman addicted to shoes
  • A young lady addicted to wearing furry costumes

Last night, Beau said he was going to try to watch an episode because he heard that a woman was addicted to eating sofa cushions.

Beau is a man who refuses to watch Man vs. Food with me because it grosses him out and he feels like we're watching a man slowly but surely kill himself. I was interested to see how long he'd last during My Strange Addiction.

He lasted five minutes. By the time the woman got around to discussing how she liked to eat the yellowed, older part of the sofa cushion and not the softer, cleaner part inside ("It doesn't have the same flavor."), I got a text message: That's it. I'm out.

He didn't get to hear about how her stomach hurt so badly that she stopped eating food (but continued to eat sofa cushions).

For the record, I didn't make it all the way through the show either. You feel like you're watching something you're not supposed to see. It's like reading someone's diary.

I can't even think of anything weird enough about myself to make it onto that show. I like my shoes, but I don't believe they have personalities and feelings (and I certainly don't spend $600/mo. on them). I love cheese, but I don't have it at every meal. I like having clean hands, but I don't wash obsessively. Normalcy is a good thing, I guess, even if it makes me sound boring. :)

Maybe I'm casually addicted to the weirdness of others. 

I'll admit that I'm curious about next week's episode where a fellow is addicted to his... uh... Real Doll. He takes her out to dinner in public and says the sex is great!

Eeek! [Covers eyes with hands, peeks through fingers]

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